Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Parasitic Twins Download Codes

For those of you who have purchased a tape, you've probably realized that there was no download link included. This was something that was initially planned, and did not get done by the time the tapes started showing up in the wild. If you have purchased the tape and would like to have it in mp3 form please send an email to midwesterndecline@gmail.com. Also, we now have download links that will come with every tape.

Shirts, as promised in the post back in October are still on the way. A design is still being finalized.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Esoterica/Black Heart Mountain Culture Collective

Midwestern Decline is proud to announce our participation in the Black Heart Mountain Culture Collective. The Collective is a likeminded group of artists committed to creating culturally relevant art. We're also planning on collaborating and doing what we can to further each other's craft.
The fruits of the first such collaboration are now available through Sistine Press. The first 50 copies of "Esoterica", a book of black and white photography focused on esotericism, religion, and the occult, by Dusty Neal will ship with "Invocation.Possesion.Excorcism." the debut 3 song EP from Fort Wayne post-black metal band Coffin Maker.
More information on Black Heart Mountain and it's excellent artists can be found at http://www.blackheartmountain.com/
All three tracks from the Coffin Maker EP are available for streaming at http://www.coffinmaker.bandcamp.com/, and you can pick up a copy of Esoterica for yourself at http://www.sistinepress.wordpress.com/.